“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness, will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

Brene Brown



Therapy can assist clients in the following areas:

  • Trauma, Grief and Bereavement

  • Self-esteem, self-image, self-confidence struggles

  • Marital and relationship conflict

  • Anxiety

  • Relationship difficulties

  • Depression

  • Life stage challenges

  • Sexuality and Gender

  • Stress

  • Personal growth, development and self-understanding

  • Coping with change and family adjustments: Divorce, Separation, Siblings

    Each client is considered as an individual, with their own value systems and beliefs. As such, therapy is a tailor-made process dependent upon individual needs and therapeutic goals.

What kind of therapy do you need?


Individual Therapy.

Individual therapy focuses on the person and the patterns of interaction that may be underlying their sadness, isolation, irritability or other symptoms of psychological distress.

Therapy is a collaborative process that takes place in a supportive and non-judgemental environment. The client is given the chance to explore, rehearse and cement more effective behaviours in order to engage in more fulfilling relationships outside of the therapeutic context.


Adolescent Therapy.

Adolescent therapy can greatly assist teens in understanding themselves through their process of identity formation, while fostering confidence and self-esteem. The teen years can be a challenging time for both the adolescent and their parents, were a process of push and pull between teen and parents can lead to a lack of understanding, a breakdown in communication and escalating frustration.

Some focus areas for teens are fostering identity, sexuality, emotional regulation, gaining insight, formulating problem-solving skills, improving communication, stress management, alleviating ineffective coping mechanisms and self-care.

Therapy exists as a collaborative process.

The Rogerian approach of empathy, unconditional positive regard and genuineness offer a space that is free from judgement and encourages a deeper exploration and understanding of self.